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21st April, 2020

Ricky Gervais / GQ Hype

Ricky Gervais

GQ Hype

“If you cough the interview is off’

Ricky Gervais talking all things faving the worldwide pandemic and the second series of Afterlife on Netflix.

Styled Luke Jefferson Day

Cover Art Kevin Fay

28th February, 2020

Urban Active

Urban Active

Men’s Health

12 pages of fashion for the latest issue of Men’s Health, featuring Iceberg, Givenchy, Luis Vitton, Dior, Boss, and Prada.

Photographed on location at the Wayne McGregor Dance Studio in East London.

Styled by Eric Down


16th January, 2020

Adrian Derrick Palmer

Adrian Derrick Palmer

When the fire inside you burns brighter than the fire around you…The impossible becomes the possible…

A great day onset with Stunt Actor Adrian Palmer – love capturing the shot in camera, especially when there are very few takes.

Despite the drama of the shot, working with someone as professional as this with a no stone unturned approach, meant the fire safety officers on hand went hime unused, not even a singe of a fringe.

Filmed and Directed by Hamish Brown

21st January, 2018

The Hylton Twins

The Hylton Twins

The Observer Magazine

The new launch issue of The Observer Magazine features my cover shoot with sprint duo Cheriece and Shannon Hylton.

The 21 year old twins are mentored by Andy Murray, and setting their sights on the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.

Art Director Jo Cochrane

Styled by Jo Jones